
Last updated: Wednesday, 16 October 2024

A holistic design system/philosophy modeled on the patterns found in natural ecosystems.

“Permanent agriculture.” Permanent how?

Three foundational ethics/tenets: Care for the earth, care for people, and fair share (redistribution of surplus).

12 principles:

  1. Observe and interact
  2. Catch and store energy
  3. Obtain a yield
  4. Apply self-regulation and accepted feedback
  5. Use and value renewable resources and services
  6. Produce no waste
  7. Design from patterns to details
  8. Integrate rather than segregate
  9. Use small, slow solutions
  10. Use and value diversity
  11. Use edges and value the marginal
  12. Creatively use and respond to change

Permaculture is not only wary of authority – it consciously, jovially, and regularly discriminates against it, promoting autonomy at every corner. The freedom of autonomy and self-determination keeps life fresh, dynamic and bountiful. Only when unrestricted, can we and our projects blossom new emergent properties in ways unforeseen and revolutionary. — Stefan Geyer, Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design (2016)

Whatever our project or remit, we need to be sure that before we dive in and influence what is going on with our actions, even in a subtle way, we wait a while and watch how it behaves. Slow right down, and enjoy being unhurried. — Stefan Geyer, Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design (2016)

for it to be Permaculture Design, one needs to be crystal clear, not obscurely obtuse, thought through, not slapdash, sharp as a razor and wielded like a samurai sword, cleanly cutting through all the bullshit, clearing the smoke and sleep out of our eyes. — Stefan Geyer, Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design (2016)

  • [&] See also: stewardship? (linked by the responsible management of resources)
